ILD maintains staff that are consistently implementing novel approaches to solve the myriad problems encountered in the nuclear power industry. We regularly participate in international conferences and develop presentations and papers that further advance the nuclear power perspective.

The following have been published by the ILD staff. The full publications are available through ASME.
ICONE14-89543: Use of a Best Estimate Power Monitoring Tool to Maximize Power Plant Generation
ICONE15-10069: Mech. Over-speed Testing of Nuclear Safety Related Turbines without Driving Steam
ICONE16-48187: Thermal Cycle Evaluation for Feedwater Heater Out of Service Condition
ICONE17-75602: A Modern Approach to Condition-Based Maintenance of Reinforced Rubber
Cooling System Expansion Joints Utilizing a Microwave Non-destructive Inspection Method
ICONE17-75743: Simplified Approach to Establishing Bounding Main Steam Piping
Support Load Increase Due to Reactor Power Uprate
ICONE17-75742: Microwave Based NDE Inspection of HDPE Pipe Welds
PVP2006-ICPVT11-93795: Innovative Technique for Inspection of Polyethylene Piping Base Material and Welds and Non-metallic Repair
ICONE18-30261: An Analytical Method for Modeling Two Phase Gravity-Driven Drainage Systems in BOP Applications
ICONE20-POWER2012-54189: A Method for Incorporating Thermal Performance Characterization Tools with Real-Time and Historic Plant Data
ICONE20-POWER2012-55242: Use of FEA Software in Diagnosing Valve Performance Degradation
ICONE20-Power2012-54027: Improving Nuclear Power Plant's Operational Efficiencies in the USA
ICONE24-60890: Use of FEA Software in Evaluating Pump Vibration and Potential Remedial Actions to Abate Resonance in Industrial Pump/Motor Combinations